The 9 Steps You Need to Take to Get the Job of Your Dreams in 2021

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We are living in a time where there are more job search opportunities but fewer job offers in hand. So that’s why our dream to get a great job instead of a mediocre one is becoming harder to achieve. But there are still things that you can do to help yourself, and the best part is you can do these without spending a ton of money. Here are nine steps starting with setting your mind and building your personal brand.

  1. Get Prequalified

By now you’ve probably heard that the job market is tight, and unemployment is low, in fact, it’s been falling since 2009. With that, more and more companies are accepting applicants from outside of their existing employee base. This means getting your resume out of hundreds or thousands of other resumes, is no easy feat. Employers often get inundated with applications to the point where they sadly have to start making decisions based on criteria other than skill level or qualifications. If you want your resume noticed, you need to separate yourself from the crowd.

2. Develop your story

We’re living in a world where creativity is key. When you go up for a job interview, you have to be stand out from your competitors. And the best way to do that is by developing a story for job qualification and show it!

Whether you’re trying to get that first developer job, or even if you’ve been working as a software engineer for years, one of the most important things you can do is to tell your story. It’s the story of how your experiences, skills, and interests came together in a perfect storm to bring you to where you are today.

3. Find your storyteller

The right story can transform your life, but you can’t become a great storyteller without practice. The process of drafting and editing takes time – and writing practice makes perfect! Here’s how to find your storyteller to tell your stories: The quickest way to find your storyteller is to hire a freelance digital writer that looks out for those specific areas you are weak in.

Everyone has a story. A story that’s so familiar to you but to other people, it might sound unbelievable. It starts with something simple, just an ordinary day, a trait about your parents or your way of being; something that made you who you are and allows you to look at the world in a specific way. Someone who tells stories is a storyteller. Someone who has the ability to use all of his talents in order to tell a story using tone of voice, facial expression and body language. A storyteller can bring your business or even just an idea into an awesome campaign or a video-worthy feeling feature movie.

4. Polish and refine your story

The first fundamental element is to tell your story in a way that people can identify with. People don’t want to hear how you were the greatest ever, they want to hear an account of an experience they can relate to. So make sure that you are being relatable and honest when you share your story. Let your audience into your life and let them know what drives you and motivates you.

5. Create a video of your story

A video in a post can be an excellent way to attract viewers, especially if it’s shared on the social network or you report about it in the right place. The key is to post only a short video, not a video story, but the essence!

If you are a teacher, book writer, or speaker, it is important to make videos of yourself telling your stories. Many people on the internet nowadays prefer video over text. Video will be a more effective way for them to learn what is important to you.

6. Upload the video to Linkedin

If you’re looking to build your personal brand and improve your reputation on the web, Linkedin is the best platform. Linkedin is not only the largest professional networking site but it gives you full control of how others perceive you. You can showcase a project that you’ve worked on, or perhaps a success story that might interest someone in your industry. There are many factors that make Linkedin a good platform for personal branding.

7. Start conversations with strangers on Linkedin via messages

Starting a conversation with an online stranger can be tricky. You read all their information on their profile, but don’t really know where to begin. Well here is a surefire way of starting the conversation with someone you don’t know in real life. There is a feature on Linkedin that allows you to send a message or start a conversation with someone who isn’t your connection and if they don’t know you.

8. Start relationship building with your dream companies on Linkedin

Whenever we talk about relationship building, Linkedin is always the first place that comes to mind. No matter how busy you are or how many websites you are working on, you should spend some time having Linkedin accounts that get you noticed by your dream companies. You don’t a spend lot of time at work surfing on Linkedin, right? If yes, then it’s great! You are doing it correctly and it does not take any longer either.

9. Respond to job ads on LinkedIn asap once made public

LinkedIn is introducing a new feature to the jobs listings, where as soon as you receive an invitation for the job opportunity, you will be able to respond on LinkedIn straight away and intend to show your interest in the position.

If you’ve not done so, log in and complete your profile. Once done, make sure you visit the jobs tab on a regular basis. Watch out for job ads that match your profile in particular.

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